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Reviews (API 1.0)
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Last modified on 6/5/2012 10:08 AM by User.


Reviews (API 1.0)

This API has been removed in Kiln 2.9. See Reviews (API 2.0) for the replacement API.

Working with Reviews

The reviews API is still in its infancy, but we should note that reviews are just FogBugz cases with a little Kiln dressing. As a result, you can fully manipulate the FogBugz aspect of reviews through the FogBugz API.

This API requires {version} 1.0.

Api/{version}/Review/Create (POST)

Requires read permissions to the repository. Takes

  • ixRepo: the repository to create the new review against
  • revs: a list of revisions to review (Kiln 2.5.141 and higher only; see Deprecation Notice below)
  • ixReviewers: a list of people to add as reviewers (Kiln 2.4.101 and higher only; see Deprecation Notice below)
  • sTitle: the title of the new review (optional)
  • sDescription: the initial comment of the new review (optional)

and returns the new review's review record.

Deprecation Notices

This method has two deprecated parameters:

  • ixPerson: the person to assign the new review to
  • ixChangesets: a list of revisions to review

In Kiln 2.4.101 and higher, this parameter is still accepted, but has a new meaning. If ixPerson is included and ixReviewers is not included, the value of ixPerson is taken as ixReviewers (that is, the review is created with ixPerson as the only reviewer). This change occurred as part of the new-style code reviews.

In Kiln 2.5.141 and higher, ixChangesets has been renamed to revs. The parameter ixChangesets will still be accepted but it is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. If both parameters are passed, revs will take precedence. We apologize for the error.

Api/{version}/Review/{ixReview} (GET)

Requires read permission to the review. Returns the review record with changesets corresponding to ixReview.

Api/{version}/Review/{ixReview} (POST)


  • sStatus: the new review status (one of "approved", "rejected", "wontreview"; optional)
  • fClose: whether to close the review (optional; defaults to false)
  • fReopen: whether to reopen the review (optional; defaults to true)

and returns the updated review record with changesets. Note that some combinations of parameters are conflicting, such as closing and reopening a review at the same time. To address this, we simply mandate that "fReopen" being true takes first precedence. A review closes in the "approved" state unless otherwise specified by "sStatus".

Api/{version}/Reviews (GET)

Returns a record containing the keys

  • reviewsAssignedToMe: a list of open review records without changesets assigned to you (Deprecated in Kiln 2.5.9)
  • reviewsOpenedByMe: a list of open review records without changesets opened by you
  • reviewsReviewedByMe: a list of review records without changesets corresponding to reviews in which you are a reviewer, excluding reviews in reviewsOpenedByMe (Kiln 2.5.9 and up)

The reviews in the returned record are the same as the reviews in the review menu dropdown.


The following machine codes are errors that may be returned from these calls. See also Common Errors.

  • InvalidRepository: invalid repository passed.
  • InvalidPerson: invalid person specified.
  • InvalidChangesets: empty list of changesets passed or the list contains an invalid changeset.
  • CannotCreateReview: there was an unknown problem with the Kiln-to-FogBugz request.
  • ProblemWithBackend: there was an unknown problem with the backend.
  • InvalidStatus: invalid review status passed.

Passing a deleted repository to a call results in an InvalidRepository error.