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Reviews (API 2.0)
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Last modified on 11/3/2014 2:16 PM by User.


Reviews (API 2.0)

This documentation applies to the Reviews API in Kiln 2.9 and higher. For Kiln 2.8 and earlier, please see Reviews (API 1.0).

The minimum {version} for this API is 2.0.

Api/{version}/Review/Create (POST)

Requires read permissions to the repository. Takes
  • ixRepo: the repository to create the new review against
  • revs: a list of revisions to review
  • ixReviewers: a list of people to add as reviewers
  • sTitle: the title of the new review (optional)
  • sDescription: the initial comment of the new review (optional)
and returns the new review's review record.

Api/{version}/Review/{sReview} (GET)

Requires read permission to the review. Returns the review record with changesets corresponding to sReview.
If you are using Git-only repositories, you will need to add &vcs=2 to the URL.

Api/{version}/Reviews (GET)

Returns a record containing a list of review records without changesets for each of these keys:
  • reviewsStarred: reviews that the authenticating user has starred
  • reviewsAwaitingReview: reviews on which the authenticating user is a reviewer, and is undecided
  • reviewsApproved: reviews on which the authenticating user is a reviewer, and has approved the review
  • reviewsRejected: reviews on which the authenticating user is a reviewer, and has rejected the review
  • reviewsAuthor: reviews containing changesets authored by the authenticating user
A single review may appear in more than one value.

Api/{version}/Review/{sReview}/Association/Create (POST)

Associates a list of revisions with the given review. Requires write permission to the review. Takes

  • revs: a list of revisions to review
  • ixRepo: the repository containing the new changesets

and returns a list of changeset records corresponding to the changesets added to the review.

Api/{version}/Review/{sReview}/Approve (POST)


Requires write permissions to the review. Sets the current user's status to Approved ("approved").
Available in Kiln 3.0 and higher.

Api/{version}/Review/{sReview}/Reject (POST)

Requires write permissions to the review. Sets the current user's status to Rejected ("rejected").


Available in Kiln 3.0 and higher.


Api/{version}/Review/{sReview}/NeedsWork (POST)

Requires write permissions to the review. Sets the current user's status to Needs Work ("needswork").


Available in Kiln 3.0 and higher.



Requires write permissions to the review. Sets the current user's status to Undecided ("active"), retracting any previous status.


Available in Kiln 3.0 and higher.


The following machine codes are errors that may be returned from these calls. See also Common Errors.
  • InvalidRepository: invalid repository passed, such as a deleted repository.
  • InvalidPerson: invalid person specified.
  • InvalidChangesets: empty list of changesets passed or the list contains an invalid changeset.
  • ProblemWithBackend: there was an unknown problem with the backend.